Progress Continues at our Greater Tel Aviv Messianic Center
Finding the right look
We have been putting in some long days making decisions and finding solutions in order to create a space that will be both inviting and practical. Some of our Tel Aviv team members are much more gifted in design and aesthetics then others of us. Two people have really been key in finding the right look and feel for our new facility. We want it to feel like a place where people can learn and grow both practically and spiritually. We also want it to be a place where people want to sit, talk and stay a while.
By God's grace, my family was able to purchase a seven passenger car about a year ago. So, it was my privilege to be the chauffeur for two of our other team members as they looked for the right materials. They really are of one mind. It is fun to see how both of them zero in on the same item in a store with thousands of things to offer!
Finding the right style, colors and furnishings is supposed to be a long and difficult process, but not with these two! Mostly, I'm just along for the ride... My main responsibility, other than driving, was to ensure that we don't exceed the budget.
Recently, we went looking for furniture, and it was pretty fun for me. We had already done a lot of background research to know the general prices. So, this meeting was with our Interior Designer at stores she believed we could find lots of options at great prices.

We arrived separately at the first store. I arrived after them, since I was in a meeting with the contractor that ran long. By the time I had arrived, they had already chosen just about every furniture item for the new center. All of the furniture fit right within the budget and they were so pleased with the items and the prices that we decided not to go on to the other stores. Just as an example, the classroom chairs they chose are about twenty-five dollars cheaper than the next closest option and they love these chairs much more than anything else. I know you expected to see a picture of these chairs... But I'm not going to show you that just yet. I want to save that surprise for later, when you I can show you the whole look and not just one piece.
Our biggest challenges of late, were finding the right flooring and designing the kitchenette area. We need the kitchenette to be a useful, but small, space for seminars and classes. Yet, we also want it to transform into a coffee station for special events, like an outreach with coffee and live music. I think we have found the right design. Now we just need to have it made.

We were hoping to save the existing flooring, but there wasn't enough in good shape following the demolition process. Since replacing the flooring was not in the original budget, we are actually asking our headquarters for additional funds to replace it. It will cost a little over $7,000. So if anyone feels led to give, please contact the Chosen People offices in New York and let them know you want the gift to go towards the Greater Tel Aviv Messianic Center.
We have had a lot fun, planning and preparing, but we don't want to lose sight of the purpose for all of this effort. Our goal is to create a space in which the Gospel goes forth in a real and meaningful way. We want to transmit the Gospel message in words and deeds. This center will become a landmark in the area for the Good News. Your prayers and support are an important part of this process too, so please continue to pray and if you feel led, support, this vision.
Thank you!