Family Update
Yonatan and Shimon both started their homeschooling early and as a result they are currently a year ahead. We did not give the kids a summer break, though they did have a more relaxed schedule, due to the pregnancy and birth of Gideon. So, they have continued in their regular routine, which has helped make the transition back to a more academic schedule very easy.
Yonatan really loves reading and writing. We are increasing his Hebrew language tutoring to three days a week, in addition to his daily Hebrew lessons. This year, he will be studying together with with two other native Hebrew speakers, for a 3rd grade level native speakers Hebrew reading a writing curriculum. This is a challenge for him, since he still has a small vocabulary. However, he has made huge improvements in the last year from not speaking at all, to communicating well with his friends in Hebrew.
Shimon continues his love of mathematics. Reading has blossomed. Last year he would only read sitting on Janice's lap. Now he grabs a book and reads to himself or brothers. Reading comprehension in English is great. He has really improved in his in free writing. Last year he began an introductory Hebrew curriculum. Since then his Hebrew writing and reading are progressing well for a beginner. With his personality, speaking is coming slower.
He finished his preschool curriculum and has eagerly begun his kindergarten curriculum. He is doing a great job recognizing his letters and sounding out simple words.
Eitan is able to participate in some of the school time lessons that are group oriented, like morning devotionals and crafts. He enjoys being read to, knocking down block towers and disassembling train tracks as "every good two year should," much to the chagrin of his brothers. He enjoys coloring and spends most of his playing in our "play room."
All of the boys are doing well in their curriculum. Our biggest focus this year is on Hebrew acquisition, especially for the two oldest. We would appreciate your prayers for all them to continue to thrive in the educational environment.