A Terrible Tragedy occurred last night.
Here is the background A terrorist walked into a synagogue (a house of worship) and started shooting innocent civilians as they were getting up to leave the building at the end of the service. This incident falls on the heels of other terrorist attacks and a growing movement towards violence led by extremists. Earlier in the day, Hamas (the terrorist group that rules the Gaza Strip and it's 2 million people) fired a rocket at civilian populations in Israel. Over the past several months, they have restrained themselves and others, but the fact that they claimed responsibility for the terror and rocket attack seems to indicate that they are now looking for an escalation. What are False Equivalencies. One of the common and false responses to such attacks is to make false equivalencies. It is often said in the global press, that "the Jews and Arabs have been killing each other for centuries," or "they Arabs are responding to Jewish aggression." These false equ...