
A God Story - Rain, Rain, Rain

In Israel there is a five month draught from about April to September every year. Water is a very important part of the culture here in Israel, since most of the water comes from the sea of Galilee, which is filled up primarily by rain. Kids go crazy when the first rains comes in September or October. Schools shut down for an hour or two as the kids run out of the classes to play in the rain. When Jason was fairly new in the country, he was working at a school as an English teacher. As he was heading home, mid-afternoon, a rainstorm hit. He was riding on the bus and the clouds became so dark that it almost seemed like night was nearly upon him. The rain came down hard and even though the bus windows were closed, the water seeped in and landed on some passengers. A few seats had to be evacuated. Jason, was relatively dry and the long ride progressed as the deluge continued. Jason knew that at the end of this line, he would get off the bus and have to walk home five short blocks in t...

Our Ministry Center Website

How are we reaching People? You probably already know that one of the methods we are utilizing to reach the "unreached" is by offering free courses, seminars and events. We are using social media to do this by purchasing advertisements. These ads redirect people to our Ministry Center website.  The main purpose of this website is to promote, explain and provide a means for registering for our events. Would you like a preview? Before you go there, you should know that the website is only in Hebrew! And it's still being developed. A lot will change over the course of the next month. So keep looking to see how it changes.  It's good for us, if you go there and click on it, because it will help our ads and website to be more prominently displayed. Here's the address:

A God Story - Honeymoon Money

When sharing the Gospel with people, I often like to share a story from my life in which we can clearly see the hand of God. I call these stories, God Stories, because they are all about the Lord and I feel like we were given these events for the purpose of sharing the Gospel and encouraging other believers. My wife and I were discussing how many God Stories we have and how it might be nice to share them with you, to encourage you in your faith and also to encourage you to share your God Stories with others as well. Honeymoon Money Janice and I were engaged to be married and we had several meetings with our pastor to plan the wedding ceremony. At one of these meetings in his office in Tel Aviv (Israel), he handed Jason a thick envelope. Inside was a lot of money. He said, that he had been praying for us and felt led by the Lord to give us this money. He said, "I feel like you are going to need it on your honeymoon." We tried to tell him that we are fine financiall...

Opposition in Israel

Recently, I attended a conference in Jerusalem. The goal of the organization behind the conference is to connect believers (from other countries) to local Israeli ministries. So, our ministry had an information table at the conference. Most of the people who came to the conference were believers from outside of Israel, but some local Israelis came as well. On the first night of the conference some radical ultra-orthodox Jewish men came with the goal of disrupting the conference.  The tried to enter the conference, which forced the organizers to close the entrance. They came into the area yelling, "Jesus is dead" and "we crucified Jesus." This group of ultra-orthodox was sent by an organization which is known for being quite violent. They have burned down churches and attacked people. So, when opposition like this comes, it's important to know how to proceed.  I saw a number of believers try to talk to these guys. But as you might expect, th...

Greater Tel Aviv Messianic Center Dedication

On June 1st, we held a special dedication for our new ministry center.  It was an exciting gathering and we invited some our closest ministry friends.  Here are a few photos from that event.

CAFE NIGHT and more

CAFE NIGHT By God's grace, we are moving forward with plans for a CAFE NIGHT . This kind of outreach is something that we started in 2005 and continued to do, for the most part, until 2013. Now that we have this amazing facility, we are excited to start up a CAFE NIGHT outreach again. We are working on putting a team together to help us make it great! When we started this outreach in 2005, Jason was still in his twenties (barely...) but now we will need to rely on a younger generation to draw people in and cast the vision. The fantastic things about this kind of an outreach is that Israel is still a Cafe culture. People here love to hang out in coffee shops and talk. By providing the right atmosphere we can reach a huge sector of society, just by being available. We need your prayers for all of the details to come together. We would really like to have musicians four times a month. This is a huge undertaking and requires a lot of networking and one-on-one conversation...

Celebrating Chinese New Year!

As you may know, we have a Chosen People office in Hong Kong. One of our Hong Kong staff members arranged for a team from Hong Kong to come to our New Greater Tel Aviv Messianic Center and put on an exciting event to celebrate Chinese New Year's (the year of the Rooster!). We invited some locals which included families with kids. There were three FUN stations: Chinese Calligraphy, water painting and chop sticks. The kids had fun learning how to use chop sticks and the adults really enjoyed the Chinese New Year's snacks! The calligraphy was very cool too. One person, came, let's call him, Josh (which is definitely not his real name). Josh is either a new believer or a serious seeker. When I spoke to him about Isaiah 53, he mentioned that he hadn't read that book yet, but he wanted to read it. I read him the whole chapter and he seemed moved by the words. So please pray for Josh. We are continuing to plan events, some of which will start in the coming months, some  in...