CAFE NIGHT and more


By God's grace, we are moving forward with plans for a CAFE NIGHT.

This kind of outreach is something that we started in 2005 and continued to do, for the most part, until 2013. Now that we have this amazing facility, we are excited to start up a CAFE NIGHT outreach again. We are working on putting a team together to help us make it great!

When we started this outreach in 2005, Jason was still in his twenties (barely...) but now we will need to rely on a younger generation to draw people in and cast the vision. The fantastic things about this kind of an outreach is that Israel is still a Cafe culture. People here love to hang out in coffee shops and talk. By providing the right atmosphere we can reach a huge sector of society, just by being available.

We need your prayers for all of the details to come together. We would really like to have musicians four times a month. This is a huge undertaking and requires a lot of networking and one-on-one conversations. Please pray as we put this together and so many other courses, classes and seminars.

If everything comes together, we will open the Cafe Night in June.

and MORE

We have a lot of courses in the pipeline and by God's grace things are really coming together: Biblical Counseling, Training Family Financial Counselors, Parenting Course for young families and more. We would really appreciate your prayers as these courses are just around the corner and there is so much more that we are working on.  The biggest prayer needs at the moment are our website and advertising. We have been working hard to create a website that our Facebook ads will direct people to. It's exciting, daunting and challenging! Fortunately, we have some professional help but we need your prayers that we can get all of this up and running right away, so that we can properly advertise our upcoming outreach courses!

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