A God Story - Rain, Rain, Rain
In Israel there is a five month draught from about April to September every year. Water is a very important part of the culture here in Israel, since most of the water comes from the sea of Galilee, which is filled up primarily by rain. Kids go crazy when the first rains comes in September or October. Schools shut down for an hour or two as the kids run out of the classes to play in the rain.
When Jason was fairly new in the country, he was working at a school as an English teacher. As he was heading home, mid-afternoon, a rainstorm hit. He was riding on the bus and the clouds became so dark that it almost seemed like night was nearly upon him. The rain came down hard and even though the bus windows were closed, the water seeped in and landed on some passengers. A few seats had to be evacuated. Jason, was relatively dry and the long ride progressed as the deluge continued. Jason knew that at the end of this line, he would get off the bus and have to walk home five short blocks in the rain. There was no way he was going to escape being drenched, unless the Lord intervened. So he prayed, "Lord, I know that the land is parched and needs this rain. I don't want you to stop the rain for my sake. But I also know that I will be completely drenched if I have to walk home in this storm. Can you please pause the rain, just for my walk home."
It was a simple prayer and prayed very sincerely. As the bus approached the last stop, Jason looked outside and noticed the rain had stopped. As he exited the bus in the summer-like heat, the pavement was covered in moist steam visibly rising like a cloud. The air was thick from the humidity of the tremendous downpour. But it was no longer raining. He walked home, not too fast and not to slow. He didn't want to demonstrate a lack of faith nor did he want to rush God. It was a nice sunny walk home.
Jason lived on the roof of a three story building. Since there was no elevator, he took the stairs. A tin roof protected his head from the clouds as he excited the stairwell and opened the door to his tiny apartment. Yet, even before he reached the top of the stairs, he could hear the pounding of rain drops on that tin roof.
God had indeed, paused the rain for Jason's walk home. Our Mighty God answers prayers about getting wet! How much more does he care about the important things in our lives, like the choices we make.