
Easter Sunrise Service at the Garden Tomb

For the First Time we were invited to celebrate Easter with friends in Jerusalem. They have a tradition of going to the Garden Tomb for the Easter Sunrise service. This was an experience we will never forget. The service started at 05:30 AM, which means that we had to wake up at 3:30am in order to get in line! Shockingly, a cold spell hit the country, which is hilarious because we had just packed up most of our winter clothes and the boys were expecting to wear shorts and t-shirts! And it rained, but we LOVED IT! It was a very meaningful experience for everyone. We found the service itself was so well done, we will probably try to go again next year.

Passover and Purim Celebrations

Passover 2019 at the Mercaz We had a slew of events since our last update. The most recent event was a Passover Seder that we led for the community. We used an online registration system, which worked beautifully. Most of the people registered within a few hours of publishing the event. We had a packed house! Sadly, we had to turn people away because we had not more seats available. The kids had a lot of fun singing the songs and playing with friends. My eldest, Yonatan found the Afikomen! He was thrilled because there was a lot of competition. What we found fascinating about this seder is that many of the people who came had celebrated Passover most of their lives and yet some had never experienced a Passover Seder that focused on Yeshua (Jesus) being the fulfillment of the Passover Lamb.  These are Jewish believers in Yeshua that are still learning about how Yeshua completes this holiday!  Non-believers came as well and heard the saving message too! Purim 2019 at t...

Other Events

We have many events in which our goal is to bring people together, believer and non-believers. Here are some photos from these events.

Praise and Worship Nights

Praise and Worship Nights are something that we started hosting once a month in the Fall.  So far we have had about a half a dozen of these events and they have drawn believers from all over our small country. Some came from as far south as the Negev and  other came from the Northern Galilee.  By God's grace these worship nights enable believers from various worship styles, congregation types and theological backgrounds to worship God together in unity.  There is no preaching, just scripture reading and a lot worship music. We felt there was a need for this, because most of the congregations in Israel are very small and very few have professional musicians on their worship teams. By combining the talent from several congregations, and there is a lot of talented musicians in Israel, we are able to provide a venue for worshipping the Lord that is relatively unique.  Also, many of the millennials in the Tel Aviv area, specifically, don't attend any congregation, ...

Outreach Concerts

We have always had Cafe Night events. Starting last Fall we decided to change the way we do these and pour a lot of resources into one large event a month. These have been quite successful in drawing large crowds.  Attendance by believers and non-believers has been great with a great mix of people. At these events we make a concerted effort to get to know the people coming and striking up conversations with them. These events are part of our strategy of overcoming the barriers to the Gospel and for the Israeli public they really succeed in removing many of the cultural barriers.  Wonderful conversations happen during and especially after these events.  We wanted to share some of the photos with you, so that you can get a feel for the ministry we are doing.

Prayer Request: Meet the Author event

Meet the Author We have been planning an event called, Meet the Author - of the Isaiah 53 Explained book.  In the last nine months over 3000 people ordered the book in Israel. So we decided to invite them all via email to attend a free "MEET THE AUTHOR" event at our Greater Tel Aviv Messianic Center. That event is THIS WEEK.  So we would love your prayers for this one and a half hour event.  First and foremost, we are praying for people to come, especially those who actually registered! We sent invitations to almost 6000 people, who live all over the country and all ordered the book.  So far about 15 people have registered for the event. About 600 people (10%) live fairly close to our center, so statistically, it's reasonable to expect between 6 - 12 people to come from that list.  Our prayer is that those who registered would actually come. It's common here to register for something and then not go. So please pray with us that they would come. ...

Prayer Request: Thursday Cafe Night

Dear friends, As you probably know, every Thursday Night we have a Cafe Night with free lattes and live music. This week our musician Jacqueline Weiner will be coming again. She has an amazing ability to draw a few non-believers every time. Sometimes they are very interested in hearing about our faith. Please pray for the people that come this week. We are trusting in the Lord to plant some good seed! ~ Jason Rose