We have been planning an event called, Meet the Author - of the Isaiah 53 Explained book. In the last nine months over 3000 people ordered the book in Israel. So we decided to invite them all via email to attend a free "MEET THE AUTHOR" event at our Greater Tel Aviv Messianic Center.
That event is THIS WEEK. So we would love your prayers for this one and a half hour event. First and foremost, we are praying for people to come, especially those who actually registered! We sent invitations to almost 6000 people, who live all over the country and all ordered the book. So far about 15 people have registered for the event. About 600 people (10%) live fairly close to our center, so statistically, it's reasonable to expect between 6 - 12 people to come from that list. Our prayer is that those who registered would actually come. It's common here to register for something and then not go. So please pray with us that they would come. If even one person comes and they are open to the Gospel, it will be worth it! But we are praying for God to open door for more people to enter through the narrow gate!
We have held some exciting Cafe Night events and by God's grace we have many more planned. As we enter the summer months, with people traveling, it becomes harder to find musicians, so we would appreciate your prayers as we continue to schedule events. Last week, a couple of non-believers came. Every month, we have many non-believers coming, so we would really appreciate your prayers as we share with them.
English Story Hour

Every week, we offer a great activity called,
English Story Hour. Both my wife Janice and I are language teachers, so teaching English to non-native English speakers is really fun for us! We are taking a summer break and we would love your prayers for our preparations to reopen in the Fall. We want to reach deeper into the community around us and get non-believers to come to this event. Over the last year, some non-believers have come but no consistently. One of our our goals is to have enough "Native English Speakers" to read stories to the kids, so that we can develop meaningful conversations with their parents, while the kids are learning English. Please pray as we continue to develop this program.