Perspective on the effects of war.
Dear Friends,
For some time, I have been thinking about and trying to put into words something meaningful that might help you, our prayerful ministry partners, connect with what we are feeling, seeing and hearing about the crisis in Ukraine. We tend to connect when things get personal. So that's where we're going to go and we will end with a really big prayer request.
Israel is a lot closer to the country of Ukraine than you may realize both physically and relationally. I know what is like to watch and read about a war from a distance or see the updates on the news. I also know what it is like to read those same updates from a bomb shelter. I know how in each situation our desire to beseech the Lord for the safety of others is different. It is a different situation when these kinds of tragedies become close and personal.
I'll give you and example of what I mean about this being closer to home for most Israelis. At our last congregational meeting during the prayer time, we received some prayer requests that are very close to the heart. One person, (let's call him Tim because I didn't ask permission to share his name) asked to pray for his grandmother in Kiev. She is all on her own, since the women and children have fled and her sons were drafted into the army. She is too old to leave on her own and now the exits are closed and the city is surrounded. Tim and his parents call her every day to see how she is doing. Tim asked for prayer for her safety. He also related to me a story about some schoolmates of his who were struggling to understand this war. They are really at a loss of how to emotionally process it. So far they haven't been drafted but are struggling to find a place to live since they fled their war-torn town. Please pray for Tim's grandmother, uncles and schoolmates. Another prayer request that came up, was from one of the families in leadership in the congregation for their Ukrainian family who live in the area between the two battling armies. Pray for their safety please too. I was in touch with a brother in the Lord (let's call him Victor), who has ministered quite a bit with us at our ministry center. His wife is stuck in Kiev and his whole family is there, while he is here in Israel with no way to reach them or help them except through prayer. Please pray for protection for Victor's wife and family.
For Israelis, Ukraine isn't so far away. It isn't far by plane and certainly we know plenty of people who came from there. Even our ministry center cleaning lady studied in Ukraine. There are a lot of Jewish immigrants here who came from Ukraine and many times, we don't necessarily know. I spoke to a friend about what we can do to help, and he told me, "I grew up in Ukraine." Our hearts ache to see our friends suffering and their families in danger.
A few days ago, I was praying and thinking, what can we do? Then on Thursday, I learned that we are already doing something, I just didn't know about it! Our German branch of Chosen People Ministries is helping to place refugees in churches and homes. Most Ukrainians speak Russian and so our Russian-speaking staff in Berlin has been talking to refugees on the phone and guiding them to places where they can register as refugees and get help. However, there are not enough Russian speakers to meet all of the needs. As a result, the leadership of our German branch has asked our Israeli staff to help. We have friends who not only speak Russian, but some even speak Ukrainian. This week, we will be sending a team of translators to minister and serve the refugees and next week, we will send a second group, Lord willing.
I'm writing this letter to let you know that our hearts ache over this crisis and we want to do something. So Janice, my amazing wife, will be heading to Berlin, Germany next week, to do what she can to minister to the emotional and spiritual needs of some of these refugees. We are also sending a team to Poland where believers are housing refugees at a Christian campground that we have been partnering with for many years. We would appreciate your prayers for these teams and Lord willing, more will follow as needed.
Some of you may be wondering, how can Janice travel to Berlin, while you, Jason, are in the USA on your annual speaking tour. Well, the simple answer, is that we have cancelled my Spring speaking tour. We didn't know at the time that this would happen, but we knew that the speaking engagements were not lining up. Instead of fund raise, I will be people raising to help send teams of Russian and Ukrainian speakers to meet the needs of the Refugees. Please pray for our staff that can't speak Russian or Ukrainian to be a good support network and logistical team for those who are going. Pray for our teams and our ministry that is still ongoing here in Israel.