Yeshua in the Jewish Scriptures
Recently, we held an event for young adults. Jason was introduced to a young man who is just starting on his faith journey. He has just started reading the New Testament and we were able to encourage him in his faith. We were so blessed to learn afterwards that someone is already following up with him and has a wonderful discipleship program at his disposal. Would you pray for John (not his real name), that God would continue to instill a hunger for the scriptures and desire to learn and grow. We invited John to some of our other activities and hope to continue to encourage him.
A few people came who had never been to one of our Young Adults events. One person was really blessed by the time we dedicated to socializing. Another person was really touched by the short message that was given after the meal. Others were blessed by our childcare volunteers who enabled them to hear the message, while their children were well cared for. This event is special because it enables young people to encourage one another in their faith and at the same time fills a spiritual need by always providing a testimony.

At another event, we invited Mitch Glaser, President of Chosen People Ministries, to lead a seminar on Messianic Prophecy and how Jesus fulfilled so many prophecies. Most of the people who came were believers and they learned a lot about how to share the Gospel with their fellow Israelis. We heard a lot of positive feedback from those who came, how they feel more confident to share after the seminar.

Thank you for partnering with us. We really appreciate you!