USA Visit Schedule
Some details and the schedule.
Details: We are just beginning to plan our Fall Trip to the USA. And if you were hoping to invite us to speak in your church or small group meeting, we are very open. We are even open for a cup of coffee! Jason really likes coffee!
We already have a fixed schedule in certain places and some meetings are either scheduled or in the process, but we would like to give you the general dates and the areas where we will be. We would appreciate your prayers for this BIG trip.
During this trip Jason will be preaching and teaching, probably on the following topics: The Fall Feasts of Israel, Israel in Prophecy, Messianic Prophecy, How to share the Gospel with your Jewish Friends. Of course, we are always open to teaching on other topics if there is a request. Having spent the last two years studying the comprehensive archeology of the land of Israel with its associated history, has really given Jason a much more exciting view of scripture and how to connect it directly to the land.
I'm sure that some of you are wondering why we are coming to the USA at this time of the year, since we would normal (or at least Jason normally comes) in the SPRING. The simple reason is that Jason did not go this Spring to the USA, because the of studies related to our planned "Israeli Day Tour" program. We are still working on the name of this new outreach, so if you have suggestions, let us know. Since our fund raising trip in the Spring normally brings in a large chunk of the donations that we need every year, we decided to postpone it to the Fall, rather than cancel it. But that's not the only reason.
Jason's neice is getting married in Kansas City in early September. We have missed our fair share of family events lately because we live on the other side of the planet and we were praying about how God might enable us to make this one. Most of our family will be coming together and it is a great opportunity for them to meet our youngest son, Gideon! Although he will be three years old this summer, he has not met most of his family. Jason's mom is longing to hold him for the first time! Skype meetings are never enough for grandparents. The ability to bring the family on this has been made available thanks to one of our supporting churches, who have also longed to meet our family and offered to help with the kids airfare. Without their help, only Jason would be able to go this Fall. So we are very grateful to them and for everyone who prays and supports us. THANK YOU!
If you or your church would like to invite us to come and teach or preach, please feel free and contact us at We would love to come!
The Schedule for Fall 2019
August 22nd - September 4th
Kansas City MO, KS
September 5th - September 11th
September 12th - 15th
September 17th - 19th
Kansas City MO, KS. ~AGAIN
September 21th - October 6th
Israeli Day Tours
Jason realized that learning to be a tour guide could be an amazing outreach opportunity. It turns out that many Israelis don't know much about the geographical connection between the Bible and the Land of Israel and more importantly, they are interested. Jason asked around and many believers in the land are also only vaguely aware of major Biblical sites that prove the history of the Bible. After many conversations, Jason realized that we can invite Israeli believers in Jesus on Day trips to Biblical sites and they can in turn invite their friends. This mixed group is exactly the kind of ministry that we do every week at the Greater Tel Aviv Messianic Center. The relationships we have built there will tie in directly into this New Outreach. So Jason shared this vision with the leaders of Chosen People Ministries and they gave their blessing. We are now nearly two years later (by the end of the summer). It has been one of the most academically challenging programs Jason has ever taken and it's nearly over!!!
So what do we need to move forward with this outreach?
1. Jason needs to pass all of his Exams. Thank you for keeping him in your prayers! Jason has official passed TWO of the FOUR exams. Actually, he has take three exams but the results of the second exam haven't been sent, yet. The last and final Exam is on July 21st and we would appreciate your prayers.
2. We will need to subsidize these outreaches to cover the coach bus. We will charge a symbolic amount to ensure the seriousness of the registration but we would like to subsidize most of the bus, meaning about $700 each trip. Since we hope to schedule a day trip about once a month, starting in October, we would love your prayers for these extra donations.
3. We need a good name. At the moment, we are still throwing around ideas like Israel Tels [Tel is how we say archeological site in Hebrew]. We are open to suggestions... please!
4. Most importantly, we need your prayers! We really want this outreach to bring people into a saving faith in Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah and it can happen. But we need your prayers supporting us in this new endeavor.
We hope this update has brought a smile to your face or encouraged you in some way! Blessings in Messiah!
~The Rose Family