
Showing posts from June, 2019

Ministry Update!

It occurs to us that some people don't have the opportunity to read all of our updates and since it's been a while, we felt like it was time to provide a brief update about the kinds of ministry that we do on an ongoing basis, the challenges we face (see below) and fruit of these efforts.   To start with, one of the blessings about being a ministry family is that our children have the opportunity to be a part of this ministry. They do not participate in everything, but they are present at a lot of our events. They hear how we minister and we are often able to explain why we share the gospel with people and what we share with people.  Shimon (prominently pictured here), asked Jason at breakfast if one of Jason's friends believes in God. Jason respond, well yes, this friend believes in God but he doesn't believe that Jesus is his Messiah yet. Shimon respond, "well he believes in God. That's step ONE." This was simply a breakfast table conversation.  ...

USA Visit Schedule

Some details and the schedule. Details : We are just beginning to plan our Fall Trip to the USA. And if you were hoping to invite us to speak in your church or small group meeting, we are very open. We are even open for a cup of coffee! Jason really likes coffee! We already have a fixed schedule in certain places and some meetings are either scheduled or in the process, but we would like to give you the general dates and the areas where we will be. We would appreciate your prayers for this BIG trip. During this trip Jason will be preaching and teaching, probably on the following topics:  The Fall Feasts of Israel , Israel in Prophecy , Messianic Prophecy , How to share the Gospel with your Jewish Friends . Of course, we are always open to teaching on other topics if there is a request. Having spent the last two years studying the comprehensive archeology of the land of Israel with its associated history, has really given Jason a much more exciting view of scripture an...

Summer Prayers and Praise

Jason's Studies. Prayer for the results of the exam that Jason just took would be grateful appreciated, as we await the results (30 days). As we have mentioned before, we are hoping to start a new outreach, in which we take Israelis to Biblical Sites. This required Jason to spend nearly two years (August 2017 to present) in a Tour Guide Licensing class. The class was intense but the examination process is even more intense.  There are four exams that Jason needs to pass and failing one exam means he cannot progress to the next one (typically meaning a delay of six months until the retake is possible). Each exam is progressively more difficult. About three weeks ago, Jason passed the first exam 84%.  Together with 30 of his classmates, Jason took the SECOND exam on Wednesday, June 5th. He feels comfortable that he passed, but we would love your prayers because there is a lot flexibility in the grading and the final grade really depends on the examiner's opinion. We sh...