A busy week, full and fulfilling!

We just want to let you know about a few great activities this week.  By God's grace on Monday, we had a special banquet with music for Holocaust Survivors. It was sponsored by a ministry team from the USA who came to minister along side us. We wrote about this event already, so we won't go into more detail, we just want to point out how phenomenal it is to have a ministry team for a week!

Following that event one of our ministry partners hosted a discipleship training event. This was developed to help believers learn how to encourage and minister to others. It is a leadership building series with a strong emphasis on teaching people how to share the Gospel in their workplace.

On Wednesday, we held a special English Story Hour for Kids. A guest from overseas came and led the one hour program with a Bible Story and a really fun block painting craft. We also held our Bi-weekly Bible Study that evening. Most of the people who came are first generation believers, some new and some more mature in their faith. This was the fourth Bible Study that we have held and although it is still small, it has been consistent and seems to be developing a growing interest. In keeping with our ministry identity, we also focus on getting to know each other and praying for each other, as we study the Bible.

On Thursday, we had this amazing ministry team join us again. They helped us prepare our Isaiah 53 Explained books for distribution to people who ordered them online. They helped us organize our children's room materials (Arts and crafts supplies). Since it is really only Jason and our new Staff member David who work daily in our Ministry Center, it's great to have groups come along side us and help us with manpower projects like these.

This same group stayed Thursday evening to help us with our outreach concert. Jason taught them all how to use our espresso machine and they served coffee during the event, freeing up David and Jason to talk with the 70 or 80 people who came!  It was a full house by God's grace and many non-believers came.  The anti-missionaries were out in force. Six of them stood outside and tried to intimidate the believers and at the same time they tried to convince non-believers not to enter. Obviously, their attempts failed.  Their leader started calling Jason names that we won't repeat. So please pray for these anti-missionaries, that they would no longer have this hatred of Yeshua (Jesus) and that God would soften their hearts to the Messiahship of Yeshua.  Here's a link to part of the concert (with the band that sang in English) ~start at 7 minutes. They are believers and the band is called Atlas Roads. Here are some more clips: LINK2 LINK3 LINK4

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