Prayer Requests and more

PRAISE  the Lord for

  • the provisions he has given us! We have an amazing facility that everyone loves. Recently, a group of five young adults spent about an hour in prayer at our facility rather than enjoying the Cafe Night, because they said, "the atmosphere is so peaceful."
  • the many non-believers that come and continue to come to our activities
  • the groups and volunteers that come serve alongside us
  • the wonderful and gifts staff that we have in Tel Aviv and in Israel
  • our mission, Chosen People Ministries, that does so much behind the scenes to support our work in Tel Aviv.
  • the opposition, who create opportunities for us to share the Gospel with non-believers. A group of "anti-missionaries" come to our events on Friday nights and try to convince people not to enter. This creates amazing conversations with non-believers!

Please pray for

  • more staff to join our team in Tel Aviv!  We are specifically looking for a younger, native Israeli to help us bridge the generational gap. Apparently, we are now too old to connect with the next generation...
  • salvation for the dozens of non-believers who have come to events at the Greater Tel Aviv Messianic Center.
  • our Spring Programs that will begin in April, Lord willing. 
  • the finances to come in to cover our outreach programs.
  • Jason's upcoming speaking engagements in Ohio.
  • great partnerships with believers locally to continue to develop.
  • the 3000 people who have received the Isaiah 53 Explained book in the last six months and for those who are contacting them to follow up.
  • the many believers that come to us for fellowship, advice and spiritual nourishment.
  • the health of family, especially our boys!

How can you help? 

  • We need your continued prayer for our work
  • We need your prayers for our financial support. Our personal finances are doing OK, by God's grace, but we do need more support for the Ramat Gan Center. We would like to do more and may lack the finances to start all of the programs we need. If you would like to send a special gift to our work in Tel Aviv, please designate the gift for RAMAT GAN
  • We need supplies for our children's programs like, washable crayons, English story books, arts and crafts supplies etc... we can accept care packages that are valued at $75 or less (any more and we are charge considerable taxes and tariffs). Please contact Jason to get more details.

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