In 2007, we moved into our first apartment as a married couple. We were dreaming about having one boy and one girl. We painted the apartment off-white upon moving in, but the one color we couldn't change were the slight pinkish bathroom tiles. Our eldest son, Yonatan, was born while we were in that apartment.
2010 |
In 2010, we had to move farther from the center of the city, because the rent prices were climbing dramatically. So we rented an dusty apartment. The only problem with the decor was the bright pink bathtub. It was hilarious to us that two more sons were bathed in this pink tub! We have a picture of three boys in a Pink Bathtub!
2013 |
In 2013, we moved for two years to the USA in order to fund raise for our missionary support. Before moving there, our American family and friends began searching for a home for us. When they found a home that was perfect, except perhaps for the fact that the bathroom was pink... we knew it was from the LORD. All our boys have ever known are
pink bathrooms.
2015 |
In 2015, when we were headed back to the USA, some friends started searching for an apartment for us to rent, even before we asked. They found a perfect location and a great price. They also noticed it had a pink bathroom... They were pretty sure it was from the Lord! There were some ups and downs and it was almost rented to a group of students. But in the end, the landlord decided to keep it off the market for us and wait for us to come from America. It had the pinkest bathroom of all! The whole floor was pink! Five boys in a very PINK bathroom. The irony is funny.
Not long after our return to Israel, Jason was asked to preach at a local congregation and as part of his application about trusting in God's leading he wanted to use the stories of the pink bathrooms. In Hebrew the word for PINK is 'verod.' As Jason was preparing this message, suddenly the impact of God's perfect leading hit him like a brick. Rose in Hebrew is "vered" and it's built on the same root structure. In other words, God's sense of humor guiding us to pink bathrooms was actually connected to our name, Rose.
Every home we ever lived in, literally had our name on the bathroom!