Seeing the land

As part of the course that Jason is taking, he is seeing lots of exciting and interesting sites all over the country. Here's a few samples. Amin . An ancient synagogue. This town was mentioned in the bible as a border (Book of Joshua). The church historian Esubius mentioned that there was an upper Christian town and a lower Jewish town. This synagogue is in the lower town and in the upper town, they found a church. Later empires conquered the area and built on top of these ruins which were only uncovered a few decades ago. Tel Arad. This ancient city has a short lifespan. This synagogue was found in a fortress at the site and what's unique about it is that it resembles the temple in every regard. It was also intentionally buried, probably when one of the Kings of Judah started cracking down on people worshipping God outside of the temple in Jerusalem. Tel Sheva . This was more of a fortress than a city. It was planned from the beginning and has a caseme...