The laborers are Few
Our family took a few hours to help feed the poor, by picking oranges. A very large non-profit in Israel was given an orchard and they asked for volunteers to help pick the fruit for the many soup kitchens and distribution centers for which they give food.
About forty people came and as a whole we probably picked the fruit clean from almost two dozen trees. But there were hundreds of trees! Our efforts filled an entire truck, but it was just a drop in the bucket of the potential.
It was good for our children to physically help others. It was also a great lesson in the parable of Yeshua,
"And he said to them, harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Luke 10:2).

We also had the wonderful opportunity as a ministry to host a ministry group from Minnesota. Its always worthwhile for our family when we can find ways to include the children in the ministry that we are doing. This group was so great with kids that it was an absolute pleasure to be able to include our boys in serving at one of our distribution centers.
Our eldest was able to help unload pallets of food and along with his next oldest brother, pack bags for needy people. We packed 155 food parcels, which was nearly three pallets of food. Even Janice was able to help with baby Gideon strapped in a baby carrier.
Following the packing at the distribution center, the group helped us host a special meal for holocaust survivors. It was a big meal and following the meal, several holocaust survivors started dancing. A few even taught our boys how to dance with them.
My favorite part of the event, was when one of the holocaust survivor shared a poem about the Messiah.
We are so grateful to have these opportunities to serve the Lord and teach our children to serve others. We would appreciate your prayers that more churches and groups would consider taking a ministry trip to Israel and serve here as well.