Kehila News ISRAEL

A few years ago, a friend of mine created an amazing website that takes news, updates and articles from most of the evangelical believers in Israel, and publishes them in one place. Many of these ministries provide very high quality content and this website connects you with all of them. It gives you the pulse of the believing community in Israel. Which I think it's a good blessing to us all. 

I highly recommend you sign up for yourselves and get their weekly email like I do. It is worth it. Below is one a received recently. 

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Kehila News > Sept 8, 2016 : Maoz Israel Celebrates 40 Years of Ministry, and more from Kehila News
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 September 8, 2016 

MAOZ Celebrates 40 Years of Ministry in Israel

MAOZ Celebrates 40 Years of Ministry in Israel

Kehila News Israel Staff

The Maoz Israel Report for September 2016 recounts the 40-year history of this pioneering Messianic Jewish ministry in Israel, founded by Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram.

The Blundering BDS - a Survey of Recent Fails

The Blundering BDS - a Survey of Recent Fails

Hannah Weiss

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS) is now in its 11th year of activism. The fear it has managed to generate among its targets is out of proportion to its size.

Blogs, Opinions & Teachings

Take off Pride; Put on Humility

Take off Pride; Put on Humility

Moran Rosenblit

Moran writes, "As I was reflecting and praying about my blog series on taking off the masks in our lives, I understood that it is important to also exhort us in what we are to put on. I do not mean "putting on" another mask, but rather to experience an authentic transformation in our lives."

Parable of the Wheat and Tares

Parable of the Wheat and Tares

Howard Bass

Howard writes, "From the parable we learn the need to be discerning, but to wait for the Lord's timing to deal with separating the good from the bad within a local congregation, in particular, and ultimately from His Kingdom in general."

Joint Destiny of Arab Christians and Messianic Jews (Part 2)

Joint Destiny of Arab Christians and Messianic Jews (Part 2)

Asher Intrater

Asher writes, "For us as Messianic Jews and Arab Christians to recognize that we have a joint, interdependent destiny, demands a tremendous amount of soul searching, as well as searching the Scriptures. Its coming into right order has a potential to release healing, reconciliation, alignment, unity and revival throughout the body of Christ"

Israel's Conflicts Leading to Innovation

Israel's Conflicts Leading to Innovation

Stefan Silver

Stefan writes, "Once again Israel is innovating, even through hardships, and introducing the world to technologies and solutions that can benefit many other than itself."

The Eagle Project: Serving Young Messianic Adults after their Israeli Army Service

The Eagle Project: Serving Young Messianic Adults after their Israeli Army Service

Shavei Tzion Staff

The Eagle Project was initiated by Shavei Tzion (Return to Zion) Congregation, to serve young adults in Messianic congregations throughout Israel who have completed their service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

A Response to the 'Beyond Marriage' 3-part series

A Response to the 'Beyond Marriage' 3-part series

Aaron Hecht

Aaron writes, "After reading two out of three parts of this series, I was extremely bothered by many of the ideas offered by the authors. I shared my thoughts with others in the community, both men and women, who all felt the same way as me... Since there haven't been any responses, I felt moved to respond."

Your Will be Done

Your Will be Done

First Fruits of Zion Staff

When we ask for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, what are we really praying for? Isn't God's will already being done?

The Holocaust and the Evil in Every Human Heart: Reflections on a Visit to the Heart of Darkness

The Holocaust and the Evil in Every Human Heart: Reflections on a Visit to the Heart of Darkness

Alexandra Hudson

Alexandra writes, "Although we don't bear any guilt for the Holocaust, our remembrance of it should compel us to ask ourselves: How have we been, or how do we continue to be, complicit in injustice by not speaking up and acting when we should?"

Parashat Shoftim - Deut 16:18 - 21:9

Parashat Shoftim - Deut 16:18 - 21:9

Jonathan Allen

Jonathan writes, "These beautifully written and sounding verses come near the beginning in Moshe's instructions for summoning the army - the fighting men of Israel - and conducting a campaign against a town or city outside the land of Israel."

VIDEO: The Parable of the Great Banquet (Part 1)

VIDEO: The Parable of the Great Banquet (Part 1)

Joseph Shulam

Joseph continues his teachings on the parables of Jesus from a Jewish first century perspective. This lesson is on the Parable of the Great Banquet - Luke 14:15-23.

VIDEO: Genuine Love

VIDEO: Genuine Love

Kurt Vetterling

Continuing in the Letters of John series, Pastor Kurt is driving us into the genuine love John shows as he writes to believers.

VIDEO: Dugit Messianic Outreach Ministry Update

VIDEO: Dugit Messianic Outreach Ministry Update

Dugit Staff

Dugit is an evangelistic outreach centre located in the heart of Tel Aviv. The word 'Dugit' means little fishing boat, like the ones used by the disciples on the Sea of Galilee. Today, we are 'fishers of men' in the heart of Tel Aviv!

VIDEO: The Israeli Palestinian Conflict: 10 Myths Preventing Peace

VIDEO: The Israeli Palestinian Conflict: 10 Myths Preventing Peace

JIJ Staff

The Jerusalem Institute of Justice scripts the Israeli Palestinian conflict which is an often misunderstood political battleground where facts are mixed with opinion, preference, and prejudice.

VIDEO: Dos And Don'ts When in Israel

VIDEO: Dos And Don'ts When in Israel

Hananya Naftali

If you ever travel to Israel - here's some advice how to increase your experience, safety and save money.

Unique Israel Tour: Enabling the Disabled

Unique Israel Tour: Enabling the Disabled

Internation Ministry Travel

Most Believers have always wanted to walk where Jesus walked. Many have gone and returned with amazing experiences to share. But, for those who live in a wheelchair or with a walker, crutches or even a walking stick, such a life-changing tour has always seemed something to only dream about.

Israel News

Serbia Airport Worker "Erases" Israel in Favor of Palestine

Serbia Airport Worker "Erases" Israel in Favor of Palestine

Kehila News Israel Staff

Given warm relations between Israel and Serbia it was surprising and even shocking to hear of an incident at the airport in Belgrade, Serbia, in which cabin crew announced to passengers with a Tel Aviv destination that boarding had commenced for the flight to "Palestine."

Netanyahu Clarifies: Ready to Meet with Abbas for Direct Talks without Preconditions

Netanyahu Clarifies: Ready to Meet with Abbas for Direct Talks without Preconditions

Amir Tsarfati

Prime Minister Netanyahu criticized the Palestinian Authority, specifically President Mahmoud Abbas, for only agreeing to meet on renewing talks only if Israel accepts preconditions.

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