Elementary School Update
It has been on our hearts to open a Messianic/Christian elementary school in the Tel Aviv area for some time. To achieve this goal, Jason was able to open a non-profit and establish a working board of directors. All of the steps involved were complicated and it took a long time. But everything is in place. Recently, interest in the school has started to pick up among local Israelis. Of course dozens have asked us when we will open the school, but the level of interest now is much more than in the past. It seems like every time we run into someone with young kids, it's their first question. In the last week alone, Jason was probably asked this question a half a dozen times from parents in Tel Aviv alone. We are in the process of creating a professional promotional video for the school. Our school in Tel Aviv is being modeled after an existing school in Jerusalem. As part of this video production, Jason took the cameraman to the school in Jerusalem. The cameraman was so...