Imagine Jesus in the Midst of Tel Aviv

An update from Chosen People Ministries 

The following article is an update on our Greater Tel Aviv Project produced for us by our headquarters in New York. It contains a video presentation of the project that was professionally developed in our New York office by one of our staff. I even have a few lines in the video! It was a lot of fun to spend a day traveling around Tel Aviv showing the videographer the interesting sites in Tel Aviv. I think he did a wonderful job capturing our city on film! I think he also did a fantastic job explaining the need and vision for this project!
Please feel free and share this update and/or the video.

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the Greater Tel Aviv Project
Dear Jason
The Greater Tel Aviv Area
The greater Tel Aviv area is the largest and, demographically, the youngest metropolitan area in Israel with a population of 3.7 million people. In fact, the Jewish population of Israel is growing! And Tel Aviv is the financial and cultural hub of the country.
The character of Tel Aviv is distinct from that of Jerusalem. Tel Aviv is Israel’s most secular city, whereas Jerusalem is more religious. There are probably a dozen believing congregations scattered throughout the greater Tel Aviv area—averaging about 50 – 75 congregants. The usual and more conservative estimate regarding the number of believers throughout the entire country is somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 – less than 0.5% of the overall population. This marks the modern state of Israel as having one of the lowest numbers of Jesus followers in the world.
The Need
Tel Aviv is critical to our ministry, as it is the home of the largest population of Jewish people in the Holy Land. We believe that the bright future of Gospel ministry within Israel is with the younger Hebrew-speaking population. This is why we have initiated the Greater Tel Aviv Project designed to reach younger Israelis and their families—the building blocks of Israel’s future—with the life-transforming message of Jesus. Read more...
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