
Showing posts from July, 2016

New Opportunities in Tel Aviv

This is an update from our ministry President which includes an update on our progress in Tel Aviv! Please consider reading to the end. Thanks! New Opportunities in Tel Aviv Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . ...

Newest Little Rose

We are pleased to announce that the newest addition to our family arrived on July 3rd! As is the Israeli tradition, we did not announce his name until his Brit Milah. Gideon Daniel was born 7 lbs, 7 oz (3.38kg). As usual, there are stories to tell... And we are very blessed to know and trust in God's provision all along the way. Gideon was born perfectly healthy through natural delivery and one doctor described him as perfect! Janice and the baby are doing very well. Everyone has fallen in love with our newest family member! We would appreciate your prayers as we adapt to life with another little person in our home.