Our current apartment building PREVIEW: We are debating whether to move or not but hoping that the owners of this rental apartment will commit to fixing the mold issue. Background In 2015, when we moved to Ramat Gan, we were very certain that this apartment was the right one for us. It was a large, three bedroom apartment with a pink bathroom. If you don't recall why the PINK BATHROOM is significant, you can read that post here. After nearly three years, we have had a few bumps along the way, but the apartment actually became an amazing blessing. It is literally a three minute walk to work! This means that the entire family can participate in a lot of ministry activities, even some that go late. After three years, we are now debating whether or not we should move. There are two reasons why we are considering moving. The FIRST reason we are praying about relocating is because this apartment does not have a parking spot. There is on street pa...