New Wave of Terror, During Spring Holidays
Passover and Easter are nearly upon us... and so is the Islamic month-long holiday of Ramadan . You might not know that Ramadan is on a lunar calendar that doesn't adjust for errors like the Jewish calendar. Our rabbis add an extra month every two or three years. This means that by comparison to modern calendars, Ramadan moves around quite a bit from year to year. When I moved to Israel in 2002, the holiday was in November and this year it is April 1 to May 1st. The holiday itself isn't normally a cause for concern, unless you're Jewish living in Israel. The reason is that certain radical Islamic leaders use this important holiday as a platform to spread their hatred and anti-semitism. This isn't to say that most or even many muslims fall into this category. I truly believe that the average Israeli Arab Muslim is a peace-loving kind hearted citizen with good intentions. However, just like in other countries, there are always elements in society with nefarious behavio...