November Update

Dear Ministry Partners, Since our last eNewsletter we have had some amazing adventures. In August we went on a long journey to the United States. We drove thousands of miles over the course of seven weeks. We spoke at least a dozen times in various churches. We had the priviledge to reconnect with many of the people who pray for us and support us. Some of the highlights we will put in pictures below. It was a very blessed time for us. The kids travelled so well and were such a blessing for us! We were so encouraged by the warm welcomes and meaningful quality time we got to spend with our friends, family and ministry partners. Of course the time our boys got to spend with their cousins was extremely precious. Cousins at the Zoo Within 24 hours of returning to Israel we were already busy with the first major Fall Ministry event. It was a large banquet to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. This event was a huge success as many non-believers came and had ...