
Showing posts from February, 2019

Other Events

We have many events in which our goal is to bring people together, believer and non-believers. Here are some photos from these events.

Praise and Worship Nights

Praise and Worship Nights are something that we started hosting once a month in the Fall.  So far we have had about a half a dozen of these events and they have drawn believers from all over our small country. Some came from as far south as the Negev and  other came from the Northern Galilee.  By God's grace these worship nights enable believers from various worship styles, congregation types and theological backgrounds to worship God together in unity.  There is no preaching, just scripture reading and a lot worship music. We felt there was a need for this, because most of the congregations in Israel are very small and very few have professional musicians on their worship teams. By combining the talent from several congregations, and there is a lot of talented musicians in Israel, we are able to provide a venue for worshipping the Lord that is relatively unique.  Also, many of the millennials in the Tel Aviv area, specifically, don't attend any congregation, ...

Outreach Concerts

We have always had Cafe Night events. Starting last Fall we decided to change the way we do these and pour a lot of resources into one large event a month. These have been quite successful in drawing large crowds.  Attendance by believers and non-believers has been great with a great mix of people. At these events we make a concerted effort to get to know the people coming and striking up conversations with them. These events are part of our strategy of overcoming the barriers to the Gospel and for the Israeli public they really succeed in removing many of the cultural barriers.  Wonderful conversations happen during and especially after these events.  We wanted to share some of the photos with you, so that you can get a feel for the ministry we are doing.