
Showing posts from April, 2018

Young Adults Events

Recently, we had a wonderful event with several not-yet-believers. This event was special because it was a "Sushi Night" and included a seminar on how to make sushi.  Our three oldest kids were so blessed to make their own Sushi Dinner!  We had lots of sushi rice... double what we expected and we used it ALL!  People really loved the event. There was a time of fellowship. Two testimonies were shared by our Japanese friends. It was a spectacular event!

Visiting the USA

Every year I travel to the USA to teach on a variety of subjects. This year, I was asked to speak mostly about the Passover, which I love to do!  It was difficult traveling alone and leaving Janice and the boys behind in Israel. By God's grace they managed well but were very glad to have me home after almost three weeks in the USA.  I'm grateful for the many amazing people who prayed for these events, gave financially and provide a place for me to lay my head!  We always hope that at these meetings people will want to dig deeper into God's word and grow.  Please pray that God will use these experiences to draw people closer to Him.


As I write this update, it is the Israeli version of Holocaust Memorial Day.  One of the things that I find fascinating and very moving is the tradition here of standing for a moment of silence.  Because the Holocaust was such a horrendous event in human history and due to the fact that nearly every Jewish family was affected by the heinous crimes committed during the Holocaust, Israelis honor their memory for two minutes every year. There is something unique and moving when an entire country stops to remember.  Below is a link to a news article which contains a few videos from today's moment of silence. It's important for us to teach our children about the Holocaust, so I asked my wife and kids to join me out on the streets today. I wanted our children to see the solidarity that we have as a country. I'm not going to go into the family history except to say that our f...